Oreshnicoins are chips of hazel rods engraved with the universal energy pattern of our existence, the vektor equilibrium.
The name “Oreshnicoin” is a combination of the russian word for hazel “oreshnik” with the english “coin”. Thus this notion symbolizes the union of East and West.
Hazel possesses powerful protective, guiding and inspirational spirits. In permaculture it is well known as a pioneer plant, that creates pleasant natural living rooms with its dense leaf canopy.
It is the first coin thats sole purpose is to attain world peace.
Its universal design resonates the root principles (Law) of our universe which is i.e. moral behaviour.
That guarantees eternal stability.
And that’s why it is even suitable for extraterrestric exchange.
The universe resonates back to its manifested energy patterns. Therefore Oreshnicoins enable direct access to the One consciousness. They answer any question you have. They will provide answers offering you the most fruitful path of life.
Each Oreshnicoin is a unique powertool, handmade in a meditative state of consciousness.
Oreshnicoins do not need any validation techniques. They are prooven by karma. If not used in the spirit of Oneness they won’t come to life. That’s why it is mandatory that all its revenues will flow into projects following the universal Law, i.e. eco villages and other networks fostering the reconnection of Man.
Of course, anyone can make such coins by themself. Very probably this even has been done since the beginnings of humanity. But we are now in a phase of human history, that the forgetfullness about the importance of balancing power almost puts the earth at the brink of falling apart.
This project reminds of the universal Law and allows a just redistribution of energy.
To credit the inconceivable greatness of this structure that allows us to experience our Self, the accepted exchange value for a Oreshnicoin is 1:1.
One Oreshnicoin for one bitcoin.
Oreshnicoin are gates to infinity.