This is a project of yvwntr.
If you have any questions, especially if you want to receive oreshnicoin mail me at
As this site is about the promotion of the universal Law, any visitor can be sure about the morally unobjectionable intention of this website. The very first social principle that can be derived from the universal Law is: Do no harm. So even if some traces of your browsing this site are stored unintentionally, you can be sure that I won’t use it in any way that is against your will.
As also stated somewhere else on this website, the value of the wisdom resonated from the oreshnicoins is beyond measurability. It stems from infinity and guides you to infinity. Thus the the set price of one bitcoin per oreshnicoin is only symbolic. It’s sole purpose is to praise the marvellous structure we are living in. Hence, by definition, this website is dedicated to the common good.