As we are not alone on this world, all ideas we utter arose from the Great network we are living in. The most notable inspirators for this Great Work were:

OdChi The explanations on runes of this wise man from the alps were the sparks to ignite this project.
Nate Kap explains the natural Law best.
Renee Hoadley absolutely unbelievably powerful
Nassim Haramein unifies physics.
Walter Russell introduced me to another view on physics a while ago.
Manly P. Hall I definitely have to read completely once.
Geert Lovink made me realize that I make art.

Although they inspired me, they themselves have no responsibility or any connection at all for this project.


This site was created with hugo and its new default ananke theme.

media ownerships

☉ Hazel image by Von Willow - Eigenes Werk, CC BY 2.5,
☉ vector equilibrium by Vital Intent from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)