praise eternity

The direct connection to the one great consciousness and the ageless knowledge resonated by these coins is, by definition, more valuable to the evolution of your soul, than any amount of money.
The money system itself, the crypto as well as the fiat realm, is completely disconnected from any real life value. To reach a point of stability in values, I set the price of one oreshnicoin to one bitcoin.

One Oreshnicoin > One Bitcoin

All excess revenues, that I won’t need to recreate Oreshnicoins, so to cover my livelihood, will flow into other projects supporting the eternal peaceful idea of our universe: The equilibrium of powers in harmony.


You do not need to receive a full set of oreshnicoins. You can also take single pieces. Just drop me your delivery adress (coins ship with express service worldwide) and transfer the bitcoin equivalent to this BTC adress:


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